Dating Someone Less Attractive Than You: 8 Things You Need To Know

But when you have a guy who is NOT intimidated by you, the best way to ensure a happy relationship is to make him FEEL good around you. Unlike your age or your personality, this is something very powerful that is fully within your control. There are plenty of men who are too insecure for smart, strong, successful women. Mutual trust is a cornerstone of any close personal relationship.

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Yet, there are clear benefits to knowing how smart we are as compared to others. We all need to determine how smart our work colleagues, employees, this or bosses are in order to work more effectively and make better career choices. Nobody’s going to read a six-paragraph essay, Reis says.

A partner who is well read may introduce you to books and ideas that you would have never picked up without his encouragement. One who is interested in politics and current events will keep you up-to-date on topics you should know, in order to at least appear like an informed member of society. Push him, encourage him and support him, and he’ll finally finish his degree, quit his late-night bartending job and get on your level. He will get there because you are good for him.

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Moshe is an International Coach Federation accredited Professional Certified Coach . He received his MS in Marriage and Family Therapy from Iona College. Moshe is a clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy , and a member of the International Coach Federation . Don’t let doubts about your partner’s intelligence make them feel bad about themselves. Find ways to broach the subject with respect and kindness, if you truly need to discuss it with them at all. For starters, you can take an aptitude test, such as the SAT or ACT, to find out a baseline for how smart you are.


You’ll come across as far more attractive and interesting than if you spend your time trying to promote yourself to your date. And if you aren’t genuinely interested in your date, there’s little point in pursuing the relationship further. It’s only natural to worry about how you’ll come across and whether or not your date will like you. But no matter how shy or socially awkward you feel, you can overcome your nerves and self-consciousness and forge a great connection. Be honest about your own flaws and shortcomings.

If we want to finally build fulfilling relationships with compatible partners, we need to grasp why we believe what we believe — and parse out why those beliefs are not always accurate. This entire modern landscape starts with you in all your awesomeness. In the study, the men didn’t go after this awesome woman, according to lead researcher Lora Park, a professor in psychology at University at Buffalo. If your partner feels more like an adversary and less like an ally, then Life Coach, Nina Rubin, M.A., tells Bustle, you may be intellectually incompatible. Couples shouldn’t feel the need to always one-up each other. Although being competitive can be a fun way to flirt with each other, if that’s your thing, it shouldn’t be happening all the time.

Most people like to be the better one in the relationship. Men have been taught or conditioned to believe they are superior, when a woman shows a competitive edge, he becomes threatened. Judging from the notion that male egos aren’t deflating at the same rate at which women are increasing their education, there’s an uneven scale here. Women are getting smarter, but men aren’t getting more supportive. These cultural stereotypes and gender biases are inhibiting women from being seen as equals. Rational and educated women are being ignored and chastised for their intelligence.

Last girlfriend had a Mensa IQ about 15 points higher than me. She was one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. She was a complete mess of a person, but fuck I loved her. Recognize that disability doesn’t always mean low intelligence. People may speak differently, move differently, or not speak at all while being of average or above-average intelligence. Just because someone speaks very slowly or avoids eye contact does not automatically mean they are less intelligent.Some disabled people have an intellectual disability.

For instance, the person may seem less intelligent, but they might also be more efficient or have other skills you aren’t aware of. Keep in mind that it takes some people longer than others to settle into a new environment, and that’s okay. If you’re patient and let them ask questions, likely they’ll adjust and do a better job eventually. It can be frustrating to have to deal with people who are less intelligent than you. You may feel that you are constantly having to answer questions or carry their weight. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do to change their intelligence.

Unfortunately, such evaluations are rarely accurate because they are influenced more by self-serving biases than a desire to know how smart people really are. This is especially true when others are smarter than we are, which explains the complexity of the Tversky intelligence test. If you want to help less intelligent people learn, you need to make them feel comfortable asking questions. If they feel intimidated by your superior intellect, they may be ashamed to show their lack of knowledge by asking questions, which will inhibit them from learning anything new. There’s a guy I know who I find a bit gross, which is partly why I actually like him so much.